Tuesday, August 18, 2015

New Eats // Creamless Creamy Yam Carrot Soup

2 Yams
1 Carrot
1 Onion
4 Sun-dried tomatoes
3 1/2 cup Vegetable broth (Depending on the thickness you want, you can add or reduce the broth)
1/2 cup Anchovy broth (You can skip this one if you don't have it. I had some I made it for shabu shabu broth and I decided to use it as well)
1 spoon garlic
Basil (garnish)

1. Chop the vegetables.
2. Fry the onion for about 7 min. until the sweetness comes out of the onion. Add sun-dried tomatoes and fry together.
3. Add the rest of the vegetables and the broths.
4. Boil on high heat until you see water bubbles coming up and reduce to medium heat and keep boiling until yams and carrots are tender.
5. Turn off the heat. Using a hand blender, blend everything in the pot until smooth. I use this one and it works really well.

This serves 4 people.

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