Monday, August 17, 2015

New Eats // Smokerless Smoked Chicken

This Smoked Chicken that was baked in the oven turned out to be a big success. For the smoky flavour, I used chipotle sauce instead of liquid smoke. And I injected brine for a more juicy texture.

Here are the ingredients:
For Brine:
300g Water
25g Salt
5g Chipotle sauce

For Glaze:
100g Blackstrap Molasses
50g Chipotle sauce
25g Soy sauce

1. Cut a whole chicken into half, so you have two halves.
2. Inject about 75g brine with a syringe into each breast and thigh section.
3. Glaze and let it sit in the fridge for as long as 24 hours-48 hours. But of course you can take it out earlier if you don't have much time. I took mine out in 3 hours.
4. Take it out from the fridge and place the chicken in the oven (195°F) for 10 min.
5. Remove chicken from the oven and glaze it and put it back into the oven. Repeat this 2 more times.
6. Allow the chicken to cook for about 45min to an hour.
7. Increase the temperature to 395°F and let it roast/broil for 6-7 min.
8. Remove from oven and enjoy with salt and pepper or sauce of your choice.

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