Friday, September 4, 2015

New Eats // Deep-fried Meatballs in Sweet and Sour Sauce (깐쇼 미트볼)

Meatballs (same stuffing made for Eggplant Dumpling) and dill for deep-frying (you can add more veggies if you want)
Coating- Twikim garu (튀김가루), water
For the Sauce: 
Bell peppers, green onions, garlic, onion
Soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, ketchup, sugar, corn starch, water

1. Coat meatballs and dills thoroughly with twikim garu mix (it shouldn't be too runny, but more like yogurt)
2. Deep fry them in a pot with hot oil.
3. Take them out. Put it aside.
4. In a different pan, put all the chopped vegetables. For garlic, save it for later.
5. Put all the sauces in one by one, starting with about 1 spoon soy sauce, 2 spoon oyster sauce, 3 spoon vinegar, 2 spoon ketchup, 1 spoon sugar, 3 spoon corn starch mix (1 spoon corn starch, 3 spoon water. Must be mixed with cold water in a small bowl, then added into the pan, otherwise it will all get lumpy!). Taste to see if you want to add any more of them. If you want it to be more sweet, add more sugar, if you want it to be more sour, add more vinegar! Then, add garlic and stir.
6. Put meatballs into the sauce pan and toss lightly to cover them with sauce. 

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